I am a registered Engineer with pakistan Engineering council under registration no ELEC/27540
Managing the attendance ,Hostel ,food,transport & the stipned of the trainees & the budjet of the Trainers from Federal govt to the College t.Also managing the procurement of the equipments needed at the Laboratoriesand their budjet as well.
In addition to the primary duties teaching the ups,transformer,stabilizer & solar system technical short courses at the College and utilizing & managing the budjet from the govt sector .
The current project is funded from UNDP /Fata development Authority
Laboratory couse work teaching and practical demonstration to students of BE Electrical Engineering,maintenance of Laboratory Equipments ,repairs,projects designing and manufacturing of Lab equipments
Managing online portal of NAVTTC ,Biometric of the Trainees,Co-ordination with NAVTTC,making attendance at excell ,making timetable,managing morning evening shifts of the Trainers & Trainees,managing Lab equipments procurement and budjet,making the bank accounts for Trainees & Trainers on the online portal .
In addition to the primary duties working as instructor teaching ups & solar system technical short courses at Laboratories